Archive for April 2011

come one, come all!

We are so excited to announce the details of our upcoming listening party installation shindig album celebration and double mini show! Well, the flier pretty much sums it up, but if you want more detail, we have a press release on the event, too! It seemed fun and official, so we decided to share it here as well:


April 8, 2011


(Party expected to be festive without being gaudy, animated without being obnoxious and sweet without being precious.)

BURLINGTON, VT — In April, Burlington indie pop duo Let’s Whisper released their debut album, The Shortest Days, on London-based WeePOP! Records. The album, eight years in the making, spans the melancholy and majesty of everyday life. In short, it’s a celebration. And they want to share it. With you!

To toast the new album, Let’s Whisper (Colin Clary and Dana Kaplan of The Smittens) is hosting a fete Friday, April 22 at the Rose Street Artists’ Cooperative and Gallery in Burlington. But this isn’t your average CD release. The Let’s Whisper listening party will feature 14 different iPod listening stations — one for each song of the album. Guests will be invited to take in the music at their leisure, in whatever order they choose.

In addition to the listening stations, there will also be two Let’s Whisper performances — one at 8:30 p.m. and one at 9:30 p.m. Experience the album, then listen to the band live. Or vice versa. Whatever works!

The listening party will be a shoeless affair. The gallery maintains a strict no-shoes policy, so guests are asked to wear their best socks, stockings, tights, nylons or breeches. A free copy of The Shortest Days and a limited edition album poster will be given to the person with the jazziest hosiery.

Here are the details:

What: Let’s Whisper Listening Party

When: 8-10 p.m., Friday, April 22

Where: Rose Street Artists’ Cooperative and Gallery, 78 Rose St., Burlington, Vt.

Cost: Free!

Hope to see you there!


Thanks, Seven Days! We got a lovely review in our weekly arts paper and have 2 hours of time to fill with songs on saturday night at the one half lounge in downtown burlington! I think our plan is to play a lot of Let’s Whisper songs and also have a mini set by dana and a mini set by colin. 7-9 p.m. No cover. You can read the review here.

This is sort of a fun chance for us to play together and feel good about the impending release of the album, which will be released next week – according to Camila at WeePOP!, the pre-orders will be shipping soon!

Next week we hope to have exciting news about the official release party for The Shortest Days, which we are hoping will be something special and fun. We’re dreaming big and making plans!

Must be the end of winter!